Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A good time was had by all

It was great to return to the newsroom today. Better yet was the news from Dr. Boyer that I may, in fact, return to work on Tuesday.

And nearly better news still was the removal of my "J-tube" at the doctor's office.

I no longer am "Keith of Borg," as I named myself early on in this ordeal as bits and pieces of artificial equipment took over parts of my body.

With the medical port removed Friday, the "J-tube" was the last of these devices. Dr. Boyer easily removed it simply by snipping the stitches holding it in and then just sliding it out of my abdomen.

But the best part of the day was dropping off my medical releases from the docs and then visiting everyone in the newsroom. It was great to see everyone. I'm now eagerly anticipating my return on Tuesday.

Dr. Boyer said that I'm also cleared to do just about anything I'd like physically. So, I plan to visit Busch Gardens and go sailing this weekend. I've done neither in months.

It'll be just another series of ups, downs, loops and dips on this wild roller-coaster that began in September.

Can't wait.


Tampa Gypsy said...

You should cawl me sometime when you're at Busch Gardens. I live near I-75 and 30th, very closeby :>

Keith W. Kohn said...

Gonna be there Saturday. I'll cawl.