Wednesday, November 21, 2007

5,001 and counting

It took seven weeks or so, but this blog just broke 5,000 page impressions.

I'm impressed with the concern everyone has shown for my condition and the wonderful comments many of you have left for me. I appreciate every one.

I created the blog to as a warning and reminder that heartburn can lead to cancer. Hard as it seems to believe, it's a fact. I am living proof of this.

So much so, that my warning has led at least three readers of this blog, including a relative, to see a doctor for endoscopy or consultation. I'm glad, since that was the goal. I hope more of you -- especially those suffering with heartburn -- get checked out for this disease or some of its precursors.

And if you ever, ever, ever have a difficult time swallowing food or drink, run -- don't walk -- to the doctor, as this could mean you are in an advanced stage of esophageal cancer, as was I when I saw the doctor in September. Run. Don't walk!

Meantime, keep reading and I'll keep writing as I travel the journey to being a cancer survivor.

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