Monday, October 29, 2007

Long day, but it's over; also a big Mac attack

The treatment in the previous post ended about 4:30. It was a long day, beginning with radiation at 8:40 a.m. The good news, it's over.

I'm pooped but still standing. Three or four additional chemicals are flowing through my veins and arteries. They will help me live and I'm glad they're doing their thing in there. (All three; not bad, eh?)

And as for Dr. Z. He liked my post about his iPhone, though he thought I took some cheap shots at Mac computers. Daughter Kim, a Windows supporter, even called them a bit "snarky."

Really, though. Macs are beautiful machines. They look cool, they have a neat interface and in spite of gobbling up tons of memory needlessly they really do zip along. So, Doc, here's to you and your Macs. May they catch up to Windows machines in my lifetime, and may it be a very long lifetime thanks to you. Amen.


Anonymous said...

I found your site through a google search. We just found out last week that my 68 year old father has EC. It is especially hard for me as I am an ICU nurse who is trying hard not to let the negative statistics and all I see everyday get me down. Yesterday he had his EUS at John's Hopkins and we have a T3 N1 on our hands. We meet this afternoon with a team of docs to formulate a treatment plan. It will be a long road, but we will fight. I have a 28 month old son and one on the way. My dad says he wants to see them grow up and I pray everyday that he will. I find your blog inspiring, as well as your spirit. Keep up the good fight, Keith!!


Keith W. Kohn said...


I wish your father, you and your family all the best. Remember, this no longer is the death sentence it was five or more years ago. The protocol I'm going through has become just about the norm in the business now and it is pretty successful.

Contact Steven Rich, whose email is listed in a previous post, for his take as a survivor. I am merely a future survivor. Gimme a year and I'll be walking in his shoes. As will your father. Keep your spirits up and know that it will work.

Anonymous said...

hey keith,
happy halloween! still missing you in the newsroom. come back soon...someone's gotta keep bianca in check :)
sarah (the nice one)